Item Details
Pair of quality mid 19th Century Victorian porcelain hand painted lidded vases in wonderful blue and gold coloured porcelain with fantastic hand painted panels of period ladies in traditional clothing, bulbous in shape standing on circular bases. One lid to the inside is broken as shown but not noticeable when on the vase.
36 cmWidth:
20 cmDepth:
20 cmUK:free delivery
EU:free delivery
USA:free delivery
WORLD:Please contact dealer to request delivery price
Local pick-up
Main Road, Ipswich, UK'%3e%3cpath d='M0 0v30h60V0z' fill='%23012169'/%3e%3cpath d='m0 0 60 30m0-30L0 30' stroke='%23fff' stroke-width='6'/%3e%3cpath d='m0 0 60 30m0-30L0 30' clip-path='url(%23b)' stroke='%23C8102E' stroke-width='4'/%3e%3cpath d='M30 0v30M0 15h60' stroke='%23fff' stroke-width='10'/%3e%3cpath d='M30 0v30M0 15h60' stroke='%23C8102E' stroke-width='6'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/svg%3e)